Job Categories We Can Offer You
The company is very well organized and properly oriented in manpower export trade. Facilities have been very carefully built up and consolidated for mobilization and select on of required manpower of different categories of trades, within the shortest possible time.

Agriculture & Farming
- Engineer Landscaping
- Engineer Irrigation
- Supervisors
- Foremen
- Gardeners/Farmers

Turnaround Consulting
- Security Officer
- Security Supervisor
- Ex-British Gurkha Army
- Ex-Indian Gurkha Army
- Ex-Nepalese Army

Medical & Nurses
- Doctors
- Nurses (Male / Female)
- Caretaker / Giver
- Pharmacist
- Lab Technicians / Assistants

- Automotive
- Petrochemical & Associated Products
- Building Products
- Consumer Products
- Forestry Pulp & Paper

AC Mechanics
- HVAC Engineers
- HVAC Foreman
- HVAC Supervisors
- HVAC Technicians
- Assistants / Helpers

Building & Constructions
- Electricians/Helper
- Plumbers/Helper
- Welder- Electric & Gas
- Steel Fixers/Foremen
- Pipe Fitters/Helper

Hotels & Catering
- Manager and Asst. Manager
- Public Relation Officer
- Restaurant Captain
- Cook (Continental, Chinese, Indian and Arabic)
- Waiter / Waitress / Bell boys